Friday, February 8, 2019

A new Engaging Humor path in the Pathways educational program at Toastmasters International

On February 5, 2019 Toastmasters International launched a new eleventh Path on Engaging Humor in their Pathways educational program. It includes four brand-new required projects: Know Your Sense of Humor, Engage Your Audience with Humor, The Power of Humor in an Impromptu Speech, and Deliver Your Message with Humor.

Last year there were negative comments at LinkedIn from some long-time Toastmasters that the first ten Paths in the new Pathways program had omitted materials present in the program previously used. Some replies said to wait, since there were more paths on the way.

Back on July 8, 2011 I blogged about how The Competent Communication manual is just the beginning of learning about public speaking in Toastmasters International. In that post I discussed the 15 advanced communications manuals.

One advanced manual is Humorously Speaking (226O), which contains five projects titled Warm Up Your Audience, Leave Them with a Smile, Make Them Laugh, Keep Them Laughing, The Humorous Speech. You can find a pdf from the Philippines here.  

Another advanced manual is The Entertaining Speaker (226A), which contains five projects titled The Entertaining Speech, Resources for Entertainment, Make Them Laugh, A Dramatic Talk, Speaking After Dinner. You can find a pdf from the Philippines here.  

Another advanced manual, which I just finished, is Storytelling (226K). It contains five projects titled The Folk Tale, Let’s Get Personal, The Moral of the Story, The Touching Story, and Bringing History to Life. You can find a pdf from the Philippines here. What else might be next? Perhaps there will be a Path about storytelling.  

The cartoon was derived from six images at Wikimedia Commons. From left to right they are:

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