Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Farewell to the Opportunity Rover out there on Mars

After about fifteen years or roaming around the red planet, the Opportunity Rover had its solar panels covered by dust from a huge storm last June. Its batteries ran down, and NASA finally declared the mission over. How could you summarize a fifteen-year trip on the surface of another planet?

On February 13, 2019 NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory posted a four-minute YouTube video titled Opportunity: NASA Rover Completes Mars Mission, which is shown above. Also on February 13, 2019 there was an article by Jonathan Corum in the New York Times titled NASA’s Opportunity Rover Dies on Mars. It has a large map of where that rover went.

And on February 14, 2019 in Bad Astronomy at SyFyWire, Phil Plait Posted another article titled Opportunity lost … but more will arise. That was quite an impressive drive!

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