Friday, February 22, 2019

Why Peanut Butter & Chocolate Nutter Puffs were a bad idea

Many Americans are familiar with some sort of cheese puffs like the lurid orange Cheetos shown above. They are an extruded corn snack food. Popchips apparently thought about doing something different They made corn puffs flavored with peanut butter. Then they made a version with peanut butter and honey.

Then they got crazy and made a third version with peanut butter and chocolate (flavored like a peanut butter cup). But, as shown above, adding the chocolate took their color from tan to brown. They look an awful lot like cat poop! Their taste isn’t bad, if you close your eyes.  

I saw Peanut Butter & Chocolate Nutter Puffs on sale at a Grocery Outlet store here in Boise. Sometimes their merchandise is overstocks, but I suspect this one was a marketing failure based on product appearance.

The Cheetos image came from Wikimedia Commons.

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