Thursday, March 14, 2019

What are the biggest fears in Wyoming?

 Radio stations need interesting content to talk about, like polls about fears. On July 10, 2017 there was a web article at the KISS Casper (radio 104.7 FM, in Wyoming) web site titled What are Wyomingites biggest phobias [poll results]. They reported results from a poll but omitted details of who was polled, when they were polled, and how many replied. Results are shown in a bar chart (click on it to see a larger, clearer view).

They really reported fears rather than phobias. Back on October 11, 2011 I blogged about What’s the difference between a fear and as phobia? Apparently they asked directly about fears of spiders, snakes, and heights (and maybe more), and also had written-in answers for others. Results are shown above in a bar chart scaled from their bar chart. Their text had reported somewhat higher numbers, like 22% for spiders rather than the 20% shown in the chart. I don’t recall having seen fear of slime reported in any other polls.

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