Monday, April 1, 2019

Phil Plait’s TEDx talk about how science learns by making mistakes…and admitting them

On March 19, 2019 at his Bad Astronomy blog Phil Plait posted about My TED talk: Science learns by making mistakes…and admitting them. A revised version of his TEDx talk titled The secret to scientific discoveries? Making mistakes posted at the main TED web site. On July 12, 2018 I had blogged about the previous version in a post titled Failing upwards.

Phil’s blog post mentions that his back had been bothering him, so he took a pain medication which had the unfortunate side effect of giving him a dry mouth.

Some otherwise intelligent people don’t understand that science isn’t just ‘facts.’ For a recent example see Jane Genova’s March 23, 2019 silly blog post titled Facts – smirk.

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