Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Public speaking really isn’t very dangerous

At xkcd  on April 26, 2019 Randall Munroe had a cartoon titled Dangerous Fields. As shown above, it ranked the probability that you will be killed by what you study. I have added public speaking (in red) - which isn’t really very dangerous. Relatively few people have died, but not none as some have claimed. On May 31, 2017 I blogged about Spouting Nonsense – Nobody ever died from public speaking. In that post I reported just finding about thirty people.

On April 8, 2018 I blogged about Misquoting Jerry Seinfeld and inflating fear five times. In that post I discussed how a Seinfeld joke had played with results from a 1973 survey and moved death up to supposedly being the number two fear.

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