Sunday, August 4, 2019

Should you file magazines alphabetically or chronologically?

On my iMac I have an archive of  Acrobat .pdf files with issues from both Toastmaster and the National Speakers Association's Speaker magazines. When I started my Toastmaster archive a decade ago, I thoughtlessly put the issues for each year in a file labeled with the month first.

After I few years I realized this was silly, since I couldn’t easily tell whether I had missed downloading an issue. So I relabeled and switched to chronological order –  the order used automatically by the operating system. (I added a three-letter abbreviation for the month).

And then I began by listing the year, got rid of those yearly files, and put a whole decade into a single file. For the NSA Speaker there were ten issues a year, so I used the starting months for JanFeb and JulAug.  

Toastmaster has an archive that goes back to 2012. More recently they added a gallery with another  huge archive going back to 1930. When I looked there I noticed that the issues for each year were roughly in alphabetical order.  

It is rather silly to use strict alphabetical order for arranging books by their titles. If you did, then there would be huge clusters starting with A, An, and The.

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