Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A new survey shows that more U.S. adults fear snakes (64%) than root canals or heights (59%), and speaking in public (57%)

On October 21, 2019 there was an article (and press release) and infographic. by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) mis-titled Study: this Halloween, people more scared of root canals than spiders, snakes, sharks. As shown above via a bar chart, it actually described what more people were scared of than root canals – which was snakes. Results for eight fears from their survey of 1,000 U. S. adults are shown above. They mentioned that 65% of women versus 53% of men feared root canals.

As shown above in a second bar chart, AAE also surveyed seven activities people would rather do than get a root canal.  

On October 22, 2019 Dentistry Today had an article also mis-titled Root canals top list of patient fears this Halloween. It also showed the infographic listing snakes as the most common fear.

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