Saturday, January 4, 2020

The 2019 Chapman Survey of American Fears still is missing in action

Starting in 2014 the annual Chapman Survey of American Fears was released before Halloween. In 2019 it did not emerge to replace the 2018 one at their Division of American Fears web page. But back on August 12, 2019 there was a blog post titled Research students work all summer long collecting data for fear survey.

And for Halloween there was another post at From the Square (the NYU Press blog) titled Fear of Muslims in American Society with some data from the 2019 survey. At the bottom of that post is an image with the cover of a forthcoming book titled Fear Itself: the causes and consequences of fear in America which is supposed to appear in March 2020. Perhaps the survey finally will appear after the book is finished.

A 1930 Western Union Telegram image from Wikimedia Commons was Photoshopped for background.  

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