Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Phony coronavirus remedies

One response to the current coronavirus crisis is to make a quick buck by relabeling products that already were being sold. On March 9, 2020 there was a press release from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration titled Coronavirus Update: FDA and FTC warn seven companies selling fraudulent products that claim to treat or prevent COVID-19. One of those companies that got a warning letter and took down a web page was Herbal Amy LLC in Nampa, Idaho.

On March 12, 2020 there was another press release from the New York State titled Attorney General James orders Alex Jones to stop selling fake coronavirus treatments. Alex had been peddling toothpaste containing silver.

On March 13, 2020 at Respectful Insolence David Gorski (writing as Orac) had an article titled COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity for quackery.

On March 17, 2020 there was an article by Keith J. Kelly at the New York Post titled National Enquirer blasted for coronavirus ‘cures’ fake news.

An 1821 etching at the Library of Congress titled Panorama of the Times was recaptioned.

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