Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Going on a wild goose chase by treating coronavirus with an unproven malaria drug

Donald Trump keeps on showing us an alarming combination of arrogance and ignorance. His recent promotion of  fake hope via a malaria drug is shown in a 3-minute video from Guardian News on April 5, 2020 titled Trump grilled over continued promotion of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus. But Dr. Anthony Fauci had said there only was anecdotal evidence it works, which is a polite adult way of saying that all we really have so far is fairy tales. Medical science rightly requires that we keep from fooling ourselves by doing double-blind clinical trials comparing a treatment against an inert placebo.  

On April 6th there was an article by Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine titled Why Trump is overruling scientists to pursue his pet coronavirus drug. There was another angry article by David Gorski at Respectful Insolence titled Hydroxychloroquine and covid-19: science-based medicine has no chance against Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, and Dr. Oz. Dr. Gorski pointed out that Trump’s claim there is nothing to lose is nonsense, since that drug has serious side effects (impaired vision and seizures). And on April 7th there was an article by Charles Piller in Science titled Former FDA leaders decry emergency authorization of malaria drugs for coronavirus.

The goose image came from Wikimedia Commons.

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