Sunday, May 10, 2020

At Netflix there is a new Jerry Seinfeld comedy special

I just watched Jerry Seinfeld’s Netflix comedy special 23 Hour to Kill (trailer shown above). It was enjoyable for me because I am just slightly older than he is, and sometimes am similarly cranky:

“I don’t like to turn around. Like, if I’m walking down the street like this.

‘Jerry, check this out. You gotta see this.’

This move. I don’t like doing this thing. Anymore. I just don’t wanna do it.

‘You gotta see this.’ I disagree. I don’t feel old, I don’t feel tired; I’ve just seen a lot of things.

I’ll see it on the way back, when it’s in front of me. How ‘bout that? Or I won’t see it. Or I’ll Google it. Or I’ll just assume it’s probably a lot like something else I’ve already seen.”

Jerry still is excellent at catching humor in small stuff, like doubletalk language that is literal:

“If you repeat a word twice in a sentence, you can say that with a lot of confidence. Business is business, rules are rules, deal’s a deal. When we go in there, as long as we know what’s what and who’s who, whatever happens happens, and it is what it ls.”

Netflix has another promo video which is a parody of a scene from Goldfinger but also discusses the design of bathrooms.

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