Friday, May 15, 2020

The point in your PowerPoint slide deck should be clear

On Monday May 11, 2020 there was a Dilbert comic strip titled Point at end of slide deck that has the following dialogue:

Man: What do you think of my slide deck?

Dilbert: I reviewed all 26 slides and I can’t figure out what your point is.

Man: I could put the point on slide 27.

Dilbert: Or just give up.

It’s easy for your point to get lost when you just open up PowerPoint and start cranking out data slides. Before you do that you need to plan what points need to be made. Start with an outline, mind map, or storyboard. On March 18, 2012 I blogged about Does your speech have too much content and not enough structure?

And on May 10, 2014 I blogged about how Message Mapping is a tool for planning your speech (when you have several points to make).

A statue of Don Quixote in Toledo (Coronades03) and an image with a hand, a bar chart, and pie chart (Maximillian Klein) were both adapted from Wikimedia Commons.  

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