Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Where did the June 23, 2020 bogus ‘special session’ of the Idaho Legislature go?

Nowhere! Just 15 of 70 members (about one fifth) from the House showed up. There was no one from the Senate. Kevin Richert at IdahoEdNews summed it up in an article on June 23, 2020 titled Tuesday’s ‘special session’ tally: fifteen lawmakers, no action. At the Idaho Press Betsy Russell had an article titled Rep. Boyle: ‘This is not a session of the Legislature’ and another titled Lawmakers’ gathering ends with a closing prayer, no votes…

The 15 who showed up all had voted against ending the session back in March, as shown in an article by Clark Corbin at IdahoEdNews on March 20, 2020 titled Idaho House adjourns for the year.

On June 22, 2020 I blogged about Will the Idaho Legislature convene a “Red Dawn” special session on June 23, 2020, and said I doubt it.

Over in Idaho Falls the Post Register had an editorial titled A footnote in the history of insurrections which called that meeting the Cuckoo Coup.

I imagine a food column in a Spokane newspaper once might have said something like:

“I just moved here and keep hearing about Idaho Nutballs. Could you print a recipe?”

 An image was adapted from a blank sign to Nowhere at Wikimedia Commons.  

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