Sunday, July 12, 2020

How not to construct an infographic about speech anxiety

At VENNGAGE there is an infographic (shown above) from Rachael Keeney titled Speech Anxiety and subtitled What You Need to Know About Glossophobia. Both the ‘graphic’ and ‘info’ aspects are questionable. The orange color code for 74% fear on the pie chart and for the 73% and 75% does not match the red icons of men and women.

I revised the infographic as shown above (changed the 73% and 75% from orange to red) and removed the superfluous pie chart. The fourth point on that list of Tips To Overcome Speech Anxiety is to Know your topic. But those 73%, 74%, and 75% (from Statistic Brain) are just baseless rubbish, which I blogged about in a December 7, 2014 post titled Statistic Brain is just a statistical medicine show.

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