Sunday, August 2, 2020

Learning about designing PowerPoint slides (and other visual aids) by looking at islands in front lawns

Front lawns in subdivisions typically come with just a pair of cheap shrubs put in by the developer. Creative landscape designers instead put in an island or two to add interest. As shown above, on one lot at a corner there is an island with a tall shrub and several shorter plants. Another corner lot has an island with a tall shrub, a pot with flowers, and a couple of deer sculptures. A good PowerPoint slide or other visual aid also uses just a few elements to make a main point (or two). 

What should you avoid? Look at these two overstuffed islands on the same front lawn. There are enough concrete statues (six visible per island) for a catalog from Lawn Ornaments Are Us! Both have garden gnomes – one holding a lantern, and the other on a swing hanging from a tree limb.  

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