Sunday, September 6, 2020

Trump’s magical ‘full and complete health care plan’ never quite appears

Back on July 19th, in an interview with Chris Wallace, Donald Trump proclaimed:
“We're signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do.”

In a press briefing on August 3rd he promised it again, but as discussed by Jason Hoffman at CNN Politics on September 5, 2020 Trump promised a health care plan before the end of August. It never came.

More history is described by Victoria Knight at Kaiser Health News and PolitiFact on  August 13, 2020 in an article titled Back to the future: Trump’s history of promising a health plan that never comes.

Back on February 27, 2017 another article by Madeline Conway at Politico had the headline Trump: ‘Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.’ Obviously he has forgotten that insight.

An image of a magician was modified from this one at the Library of Congress.

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