Tuesday, October 13, 2020

How not to wear a mask
















The slogan that Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases came from the Spanish Flu pandemic back in 1918. Wearing a mask over both the nose and mouth can help protect you and others from the current coronavirus pandemic crisis. But there also are three wrong ways to wear a mask.



















Wearing a mask over your eyes (like Zorro or the Lone Ranger) does not help at all.



















Wearing a mask only over your nose makes you look like a silly clown. It does not stop your mouth breathing or coughing.   


















Wearing a mask only over your mouth doesn’t stop your nose breathing or sneezing. It just  makes you look like one of the silly monkeys in those sculptures of Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. But when I was shopping at the Boise Costco yesterday I saw a half-dozen people with only their mouths covered.









Please wear a mask the right way to protect both yourself and others.


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