Saturday, October 17, 2020

Most commonly searched fears in U.S. states and D.C. for 2020.



















Halloween is just two weeks away. It is time to talk about the most commonly searched fears for 2020 in U.S. states and the District of Columbia. At Your Local Security on October 12, 2020 there is an article mistitled Your state’s most-searched phobia 2020.










As is shown above in a bar chart, 11 states feared people, 7 feared flying, and 4 each feared failure and the dark. 3 each feared being alone, blood, and holes. Only Nebraska feared public speaking.   












Another bar chart shows the wildly different results from 2019, where 11 states feared holes, and 5 each feared needles, public speaking, and water.


Right now my wife and I definitely fear people. This year we going to skip our usual Halloween activity of handing out candy bars to about two dozen trick-or-treaters.  


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