Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Amazing Randi died last week

Last week we lost a great communicator. An obituary by Paul W. Valentine at the Washington Post on October 21, 2020 is titled James Randi, magician and stage artist devoted to debunking the paranormal, dies at 92. It noted that he had overcome a stammer and fear of public speaking. Another obituary by Joe Schwarcz at the McGill Office for Science and Society on October 22, 2020 is titled Bending Spoons and Bending Minds.


You can watch James Randi’s 2007 TED Talk titled Homeopathy, quackery, and fraud. There are lots of other videos of Mr. Randi. Two examples from James Randi Speaks on YouTube are on Problems with Miscommunication and The Compass Trick.   


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