Saturday, November 14, 2020

How would Dr. Evil rig an election?



















Yesterday morning I was listening to the Kevin Miller show on local AM talk radio station KIDO. A Tea Party guy began a long rant by explaining that the recent election had been rigged against Trump.  


But then he vastly expanded his narrative to claim the Deep State had been rigging our elections for decades. If that was true, then how did Donald Trump get elected in 2016 (along with a Republican controlled Senate)?



















When you tell a story you should consider whether everything fits together properly, or if it looks as impossible as the cube shown above. How would a movie supervillain like Dr. Evil go about rigging an election? Why wouldn’t he have made sure that this time the Democrats also had firm control of the Senate?   


Eventually that guy switched to whining how shortages were coming. Costco (wholesale club) was out of both toilet paper and paper towels. Kevin told him to the contrary - that he’d been to Walmart and they had both those items in stock.


Images of a Dr. Evil look-alike and a printing press came from Wikimedia Commons.


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