Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Jerry Seinfeld’s recent book Is This Anything?



















I am greatly enjoying reading Jerry Seinfeld’s book Is This Anything?, which was published in October. Jerry creates comedy from his observations of everyday objects and events over a 45-year career. One routine titled Sock Closet goes:


“When you buy socks they always come on a tiny hangar. Does anybody have a tiny sock closet to hang them up? Tiny doors. Go through them to pick out what you’re wearing that day (fingers going through). ‘Argyle … crew … tube sock … over the calf.’ “









I roll up each pair of my socks, as shown above. Long ago I learned to buy at least two pairs in a color or pattern, because inevitably one will wear through or get lost. Jerry has two other sock routines - The Sock Escape and The Sock Left Behind.


Another routine titled Car-tastic says:


“I love cars. It’s my favorite physical object. I don’t know why I think this. My only theory is, when you’re driving: You’re outside and you’re inside. You’re moving, and you’re completely still, all at the same time.”


On May 10, 2020 I blogged about how At Netflix there is a new Jerry Seinfeld comedy special. In that post I quoted from a routine which in this book is longer and titled It is what it is:      


 “I’m sure some idiot said it to you today. You can’t get through a day without someone going,

‘Well…it is what it is…’

‘Why are you alive? To just say air words that fill the room with meaningless sounds?’

I’d rather someone just blew clear air in my face than said ‘It is what it is’ to me one more time. Just come up to me and go, ‘Ppppppphhhhhhh.’ I get the same data from that. People know no one’s going to challenge them when they say ‘It is what it is.’

No one’s going to go, ‘I don’t think it is.’ ‘You don’t?’ ‘No. I believe it is what it isn’t.’

People repeat words because it gives them confidence. They can say it with strength. ‘Business is business.’ ‘Rules are rules.’ ‘A deal’s a deal.’ ‘What’s done is done.’

‘But when we go in there, as long as we know what’s what and who’s who, then whatever happens, happens, and it is what it is,’ “


The laughing demon mask came from Wikimedia Commons.


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