Thursday, December 10, 2020

Weasel words from the Idaho Freedom Foundation - after it was revealed they and their board members got government PPP loans










What happens when how an organization behaves contradicts their previously stated beliefs? Under the What We Believe heading on the About web page for the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) they said:

“The Idaho Freedom Foundation exists to advance conservative principles - limited government, free markets and self-reliance…”


On December 2, 2020 their Facebook page issued the following preemptive statement:

“Later this afternoon, the Idaho Statesman will publish a story about the Idaho Freedom Foundation receiving money through the Paycheck Protection Program. Without a doubt, this coming hit piece will seek to smear IFF's good name and our vitally important work. Here is IFF President Wayne Hoffman’s statement about this fake controversy:

‘The answer is obvious. The government shut down Idaho’s economy, Idaho businesses and therefore the donors who we depend on to generously support our work. Meanwhile, we also knew that pro-socialist groups would have no problem whatever accepting all the money they could from the government. We decided it only made sense to do the same. That’s not our preference, of course, but the actions of government left us little choice.’ “

On December 3, 2020 there is an article by James Dawson at Boise State Public Radio titled Idaho Freedom Foundation, board members, received millions in federal pandemic loans. It indicated that in April the IFF received $129,883. 











It also indicated that five members of the eight on their Board of Directors (who I’ll call polecats) also received loans for their businesses totalling over $2,000,000. In decreasing order those are: Dar Symms (Symms Fruit Ranch) nearly $1,400,000; Bryan Smith (Smith Driscoll and Associates: $133,000) and (Medical Recovery Services: $72,200); Doyle Beck (BECO, Inc and Phenix Construction LLC) $168,200; Bob Tikker (Tikker Engineering) $163,600; Brent Regan (Regan Designs) $74,800;


On December 7, 2020 at the Idaho Freedom Foundation web site Wayne Hoffman published an article titled Media again resorts to fake news about PPP, IFF and allies. It also appeared on December 9, 2020 as a guest opinion at the Lewiston Tribune titled Turnabout: The facts show we’ve done nothing wrong. That article ends with the following sentence:

“We have done nothing wrong or inconsistent with our beliefs.”


But, of course, applying for and accepting 1% interest, special government loans is NOT being self-reliant (or following the free market), and inconsistent with previously stated beliefs.


Wayne rationalized his actions with weasel words under the following four headings (I added the numbers):

1] The PPP loan is a loan, not a ‘handout.’

2] Government compensation for economic loss is consistent with the principles of liberty.

3] IFF, its staff, and its critics also benefit financially from government financing.

4] The problem with government programs isn’t the recipients; it is the programs.


Under 1] he elaborated as follows:

“Taking out a loan was the only course of action to protect my organization and its employees in uncertain times. Furthermore, even though taking out a federally-backed loan gives me heartburn, I knew that the socialists we fight everyday wouldn’t have similar reservations and they’d use this moment to advance their awful policy ideas. We couldn’t let that happen.” 


But, no matter how you try to slice it, it still is baloney. I could not find a 2019 revenue statement for IFF. In 2018 IFF had revenue which totaled $806,862, so the $129,883 loan was about 16% of that.


The weasel and polecat images were adapted from one after page 352 of a 1908 book by William Carnegie titled Practical Game Preserving.  


Somehow I missed that the Coeur d'Alene Press also had an editorial on December 9, 2020 about IFF titled Gov handouts are evil -except when they're not.   

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