Wednesday, January 13, 2021

AMPP: A very bad choice for an acronym


On January 6, 2021 there is an article at the web site for Materials Performance magazine titled Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) is Formed, and also a press release. That organization combines two about preventing corrosion - with acronyms of NACE and SSPC. NACE began as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers and was renamed NACE International. SSPC was the Steel Structures Painting Council.


But how do you pronounce the acronym AMPP? Is it Ay Em Pee Pee, or Am Pee Pee. According to Lexico PeePee is a child’s word for urinating or a penis. Before the combined organization chose that name and acronym they should have checked with the mythical Office Of Pronounceable Spellings (OOPS), which I blogged about on April 6, 2018 in a post titled Shouldn’t acronyms be pronounceable?




















When I see AMPP what comes to mind is the famous statue from 1619 in Brussels, known as  Manneken Pis and shown above.

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