Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Are you ready to speak in public?



















At his Manner of Speaking blog on February 5, 2021 John Zimmer has an excellent post titled Should you speak in public? He shows a flowchart for answering that question. On further reflection I decided that I liked his idea much better than his graphic, and produced the PowerPoint alternative (titled Are you ready to speak?) that is shown above. In mine all the yes answers are in a straight line. 
















Here is his original for comparison. I didn’t like that he linked twice from a ‘No’ to his ‘Think some more’ box. I recolored the ‘Yes’ arrows from red to green to show how their path wanders. Also, he didn’t use the usual flowchart diamond for a decision box. My three yellow round-cornered rectangles illustrate the mythical computer opcode called Branch and Hang.


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