Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Giving an effective medical lecture















Are there excellent recent articles about speaking - in magazines you probably never have seen? Yes, there are. You can find and read them for free in the PubMed Central (PMC) database with 6.7 million articles. That database is by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. I did a search for the phrase “public speaking” and found 3502 articles. Adding AND PowerPoint reduced that list to 86 articles, which I could sort by Pub Date to see the most recent. The first article is by Robert C. Lowe and Steven C. Borkan. It is in the January 12, 2021 issue of Medical Science Educator and is titled Effective Medical Lecturing: Practice Becomes Theory. The .pdf version is nine pages and has thirty references.


Section headings are:

The Challenge

The Great Lecture

Lecture Time Management

How to Plan Lecture Content

De-emphasizing the Teacher

Audience as the Educational Target

Nuts and Bolts of Preparing PowerPoint Slides

Point by Point

Plot Unfolds

Stage Presence and Delivery























Under Point by Point, Figure 4 discusses ineffective versus effective slides, as is shown above (in my version).  





















And Figure 1 gives a specific example of an ineffective and an effective slide, as is shown above (in my version).  


The cartoon was adapted from one at Wikimedia Commons of a Serious Cartoon Guy Discussing a Line Graph.



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