Friday, February 19, 2021

Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s new nickname is ‘Cancun Ted’


















Based on his resume you might expect that Ted Cruz wouldn’t do something very stupid and completely tone deaf. He graduated from Princeton and then Harvard Law School, clerked for William Rehnqiust ( Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court),  Chief and was elected as a U.S. Senator representing Texas in 2012 and 2018.  


But an article by Jessica Lee at Snopes on February 18, 2021 is titled Did Ted Cruz fly to Cancun during Texas energy crisis? Unfortunately the answer is TRUE. A second article by Dan Godwin at Fox4News on February 19, 2021 is titled Sen. Ted Cruz returns home, says Cancun trip during Texas’ deadly winter power crisis a mistake . And a third article by Leonard Greene at the New York Daily News on February 19, 2021 is titled ‘Good dad,’ bad senator: Cowardly Ted Cruz blames Cancun caper on his daughters. Worse still, a fourth article by Susan Milligan at US News on February 19, 2020 titled Ted Cruz’s crisis of crisis management opens by stating:


“The first rule of politics is, don’t abandon your constituents in a crisis – and in particular don’t tend to your own personal comfort while people who decide whether you keep your job are suffering.”


I think his nickname will stick. The image was adapted from a cartoon in a 1918 book by Fontaine Fox titled Cartoons Second Book at the Internet Archive.


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