Monday, March 29, 2021

Dilbert cartoon on how not to connect with an audience











In yesterday’s Dilbert cartoon Wally gives his boss truly awful advice about PowerPoint:


Pointy-Haired Boss: Is there anything I can do to make my slide deck more persuasive?


Wally: You need to make an emotional connection with your audience. Start with a tragic personal story that makes everyone sad and droopy. Then talk about your various medical problems, and don’t spare the details. Then complain about your wife because most people hate their spouses too, so they can relate. And don’t spare the self-deprecating humor because everyone can relate to knowing you are a loser.


Pointy-Haired Boss: Wow! Thank you for that advice. I’ll make those changes.


Dilbert: How much do you hate him?


Wally: It’s more about entertainment.


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