Friday, March 12, 2021

Donald J. Trump is a smug jerk who never has forsaken privileges


















My jaw dropped in amazement when I read the following claims in an article by Dr. John Livingston on March 7, 2021 at the Gem State Patriot News blog titled Our duty to compete:

“....Unlike so many in the elite liberal classes, he has forsaken the very privileges that were once available to him and his family. Privileges that those elites fear they are losing. The great life lesson that Donald Trump learned as he grew older was that privilege corrupts. Those who are privileged—and I am not talking about ‘white privilege’ but social, economic and political privilege, learn early in life that you always do what money can buy instead of what duty demands. Donald Trump turned his back on privilege and chose duty. What an incredible unselfish act. Almost reminds us of our Founding Fathers who pledged their ‘lives honor and property’ for the cause of liberty. Talk about laying it all on the line and being unselfish.

There is one more thing that Donald Trump has that his political enemies are jealous of—the relationship that he has with his supporters—the majority of voters in our country.”


Donald J. Trump never has forsaken privileges available to him. He owns and lives in a country club that is described as follows:


“The Mar-a-Lago sits royally amidst 20 valuable acres of manicured lawns, vibrant gardens and sweeping sea-to-lake vistas.”


How does The Donald get around? An article by Doug Gollan at Forbes on November 8, 2020 titled President Trump’s helicopter is for sale; Make an offer notes:


“President Donald J. Trump has long been a high-profile user of private jets and helicopters. Records show he currently owns a Boeing 757, frequently spotted during the campaign that saw him win the Oval Office, a Cessna Citation X, and three Sikorsky S76-B helicopters. Of the rotorcraft, one is currently for sale.”


According to another article at Aerotime Hub on June 4, 2016 titled Top 10 facts about Donald Trump’s Boeing 757 that plane has 24 carat gold bathroom fixtures.


About the only thing The Donald has forsaken is admitting that he lost the 2020 presidential election. An article by Matthew Impelli at Newsweek on February 21, 2021 titled Read Donald Trump’s full statement after Supreme Court allows prosecutors to access tax returns quotes him as saying he won:


“These are attacks by Democrats willing to do anything to stop the almost 75 million people (the most votes, by far, ever gotten by a sitting president) who voted for me in the election—an election which many people, and experts, feel that I won. I agree!”


A closeup image of Trump from 2019 comes from Wikimedia Commons.  


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