Friday, May 28, 2021

From the Desk of the Deranged Donald



















Early in May Donald Trump created From the Desk of Donald J. Trump, a platform to replace his being banned from Twitter. Some have called it a blog, but it’s less than even an email archive. The articles posted lack titles (or subjects or headlines). There are no labels (or indexing) – just a feed in reverse chronological order. It looks like a bunch of Twitter posts, which could instead be called Twutter. As is Usual from The Donald there is lots of Unnecessary Capitalization. I looked at a sample of his 66 articles posted in May from the first to noon on the 27th.






























As shown above via a histogram with intervals of fifty words, only six articles were longer than 150 words (with one gigantic rant of 910 words on May 19, 2021 at 12:02 PM). A second histogram with intervals of ten words provides more detail. The other sixty are quite scattered. If we ignore the 910 word rant, the mean length is 86 words, with a standard deviation of 66 words. Including that rant raises the mean to 99 words and the standard deviation to 121 words.  


How about the content? It’s as bad as you would expect. There is lots of poorly researched nonsense. Trump refuses to accept responsibility or blame – but wants credit.


First, he still thinks he won the 2020 presidential election. At 10:27 AM on May 3, 2020 (six months later) he claimed:


“The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!”


Back on November 27, 2020 at Vice there is an article by Greg Walters titled Trump is gaslighting himself and really thinks he won the election, Mary Trump says. And on April 5, 2020 I blogged about how Trump continues with his Big Lie.


Second, in an article on May 7 at 9:03 AM about the case regarding payments to women before the 2016 Presidential Election he called his own attorney, Michael Cohen a “sleazebag lawyer.” Cohen had been hired as personal counsel for Trump and worked from fall 2006 to spring 2018. Only a dirtbag client would hire a sleazebag lawyer.


Third, on May 16, 2021 at 7:11 PM Donald discussed polling of Republicans by CBS news which:


“….showed that 67% of Republicans said that they do not consider Sleepy Joe Biden to be the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. I agree with them 100%, just look at the facts and the data—there is no way he won the 2020 Presidential Election!”


But having 2/3 of Republicans won’t win an election. He ignored that another late January Associated Press and National Opinion Research Center poll of all Americans, not just the Republicans. Their question was “Do you think that Joe Biden was legitimately elected president or not?” That answer instead was 66% Yes, 33% No, and 1% Other.


Fourth, on May 14, 2021 at 8:55 he whined about the COVID crisis and not getting credit for coming up with the vaccines, without which:


“….this world would have been in for another 1917 Spanish Flu, where up to 100 million people died.”


He got the year wrong once again. (Another article by Aaron Ruper at Vox on May 1, 2020 is titled Trump won’t stop saying the 1918 flu pandemic happened in 1917). The CDC web page instead is titled History of the 1918 Flu Pandemic, and says the estimated number of deaths worldwide was at least 50 million people, and specifically there were about 675,000 in the U.S. As of January 18 there were ~400,000 U.S. Coronavirus deaths. How many extra were from the Trump administrations inept response? An article by John Haltiwanger and Aylin Woodward at Business Insider on February 11, 2021 is titled Damning analysis of Trump’s pandemic response suggested 40% of US Covid-19 deaths could have been avoided. From that analysis:


“They concluded that 40% of the US's roughly 450,000 coronavirus deaths as of February 4 could have been avoided if the country had handled the pandemic similarly to its wealthy peers. That's 180,000 lives.”


An image of Trump came from Wikimedia Commons

Update June 2, 2021

Titles are finally being added to the articles. 


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