Saturday, June 5, 2021

When Idaho’s Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin was Queen for a Day she issued an executive order getting rid of mask mandates



















Idaho politics has peculiar twists. An AP article by Keith Ridler on May 19, 2021 reported Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin announces run for Idaho governor. She was acting governor on May 27, 2021 when Brad Little was over in Nashville at the Republican Governor’s Conference. As the state’s Queen For A Day she issued an executive order, described in another AP article by Keith Ridler titled Idaho lieutenant governor bans mask mandates.





















When he got back, Brad hit the undo button, as described in still another Keith Ridler AP article on May 28, 2021 titled Idaho governor nixes lieutenant governor’s mask-mandate ban. (The ban might not even have been legal, as was discussed by Audrey Dutton at the Idaho Capitol Sun on May 28, 2021 in an article titled McGeachin’s order was likely unconstitutional, Idaho Attorney General’s opinion says). Anyhow, Little said that:


“ ‘Taking the earliest opportunity to act solitarily on a highly politicized, polarizing issue without conferring with local jurisdictions, legislators, and the sitting Governor is, simply put, an abuse of power,’ Little said. ‘This kind of over-the-top executive action amounts to tyranny - something we all oppose. How ironic that the action comes from a person who has groused about tyranny, executive overreach, and balance of power for months.’ ”





















On May 23, 2021 at the Gem State Patriot News blog Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer posted an article titled Will conservatives shoot themselves in the foot again? Of course they will. He lamented about four of the candidates who had announced for governor, Brad Little, Janice McGeachin, Ed Humphreys, and notorious activist  (and desk-chair cowboy) Ammon Bundy. Bob commented that:


“We have Eddie Humphries (sic) who is supposedly a financial wizard with other people’s money but has never held a public….


Ammon is certainly a man of principle and a devote(sic) Christian so he will have a decent following but I still doubt that he would be able to win the independent and the moderate republican vote to take down Brad Little.”


I think Janice shot herself with that high-handed executive order. Late last October she also was involved with a Declaration and video I blogged about on November 5, 2020 in a post titled A childish, whining ‘Declaration’ about pandemic restrictions.


 As for Bundy, he had not even registered to vote, and also listed himself as campaign treasurer. An article at Wonkette on May 22, 2021 by Robyn Pennacchia was gleefully titled Ammon Bundy hates the government so much he wants to be governor of Idaho.


Images all came from Wikimedia Commons. One image was adapted from a painting of Queen Victoria. The DO and UNDO buttons were adapted from another there with an emergency stop button. Images of a foot and a pistol also came from there.


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