Saturday, July 24, 2021

Shining a sun on the Idaho Freedom Foundation












Some people can dish it out, but can’t take it. At the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) on July 12, 2021 there is an article by their loudmouthed president, Wayne Hoffman, titled Idaho Capital Sun Newest Progressive Propaganda Factory. He whined about that effective, new, little online newspaper, whose content is being reprinted:


“I spent close to 20 years in journalism, and I remember when the press was content to let their editorial boards and columnists lean left. Now, entire newsrooms are being built to generate stories designed to shift public opinion in that specific direction. Back in my day, we called this agenda-setting journalism, which was considered unethical. It was also unethical to reprint third-party news content out of concern that someone else was shaping news coverage. Today, the need to make America more socialist and drown out conservative ideas outweighs the call to produce unbiased journalism.“


But apparently, it is not unethical to reprint conservative third-party news content. That is just what the Gem State Patriot News did on July 16 when it reprinted Wayne’s article with the same title.


Which articles in the Sun did he object to? He didn’t name them by title (or link to them), but clearly one article is by Clark Corbin and Audrey Dutton on July 7, 2021 titled Multiple complaints accuse Idaho Freedom Foundation of breaking nonprofit rules and a second earlier article by Clark Corbin on June 11, 2021 is titled Extremism expert: Idaho critical race theory debate is ‘cynical’ effort to rally voters.


He also does not mention it, but also was obviously upset the Sun caught that his vice president, Dustin Hurst, got fined $250 for incompetent behavior. On July 1, 2021 Audrey Dutton has an article in the Idaho Capital Sun titled Idaho Freedom Foundation official fined for breaking lobbyist registration law.


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