Sunday, September 12, 2021

What goes wrong during video or audio calls, and the consequences – Zoom, gloom, and doom



















I saw an article by Rachel Layne at CBS News on September 2021 titled Afraid a Zoom blunder will get you fired? 1 in 4 bosses have justified that fear, survey finds. It discussed an online survey done by Wakefield Research for Vyopta between July 30, 2021 and August 10, 2021. Detailed results are reported here. They conducted a survey with 15 questions on 200 U.S. executives (ranked VP or above) at companies with 500+ employees. That’s a relatively small sample, so the margin of error is about 6.9%. More commonly a sample size of 1000 would be used for a margin of error of 3.1%.












The fifth question was about which of the following had ever happened at your company due to technology or connection issues. As shown above in a bar chart, 75% had to reschedule a meeting, 41% had missed a project deadline, 32% had lost a client or business opportunity, and just 15% had none of the above (while 86% had any of the first three).   












The ninth question was about which of seven issues had ever happened due to problems with virtual connection technology. As shown above in a second bar chart, 50% had difficulty hearing or understanding a speaker, and 28% had been unable to record a call.












The seventh question was about which of the following had ever happened at your company as a result from staff member’s error during an audio or video call. Five answers, shown above in a third bar chart, were as follows: 53% moved responsibility for setting up calls to another staff member, 40% were given an informal reprimand, 38% were given a formal reprimand, 38% had removed a staff member from a project, and 24% had fired a staff member. The fired category also has been termed “zoom and doom.”


The image was adapted from this cartoon at Wikimedia Commons.


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