Friday, October 22, 2021

When will Donald Trump be declared to have won the state of Arizona in the 2020 presidential election?













As shown above, that will be when pigs fly. Results were Biden 1,672,143 (49.4%), Trump 1,661688  (49.1%) so the margin was 10,455 votes. But The Donald’s latest fantasy on October 15,2021 was to instead claim:

“A new analysis of mail-in ballots in Pima County, Arizona means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate.

…. Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.”


That claim did not bother to identify that the ‘analysis’ came from a rambling video titled by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai titled The Fish Tail in Pima County. Analysis of Mail-in Ballots Pima County, Arizona. He is an arrogant jerk who recently has been awarded his very own web page at the Encyclopedia of American Loons. In the transcript for this video at 24:04 there is the following diatribe about comments (actually destroying his claims in a previous video, but which does not identify the source for his scorn):

“Okay. Now, what we’re going to do, and I want to understand this week, then pattern analysis, we typically typically build what we call a feature - a metric. We had a very foolish mathematician, and I did this in Michigan, a guy who calls himself the math guy in England who doesn’t understand pattern analysis.

He says, Oh, you can’t subtract two percentages. Well, frankly, in pattern analysis, you create metrics. Okay, you create features. So this unfortunate lad didn’t understand the difference between a feature and math. Okay. It’s not simply looking at percentages, okay?

In face analysis, for example, people used to spend all this time doing high end pixel analysis, well, you find out you could analyze people’s faces by looking at certain distance measurements or certain percentages of, you know, the distance between the nose in the eyes anyway, in pattern analysis, we call these features, okay? And mathematicians need to sort of learn their chops on this.

So they need to, frankly, get educated before they sort of critique something they don’t know what they’re talking about, but fundamentally, in Pima, what we’re looking at is the x axis, we’re looking at the percent Malin return, right?”

Actually it is Matt Parker at Stand-up Maths who posted an 18-minute YouTube video on November 14, 2020 titled Do these scatter plots reveal fraudulent vote-switching in Michigan? Watch starting at 6:50 and on to 9:00 as he points out they do not because a slope similar to that shown for Trump also appears for Biden. His discussion about on not subtracting percentages is later, starting at 12:50. Shiva Ayyadurai’s analysis of Michigan really is a fraud.


For the Maricopa County audit Dr. Shiva previously had failed to grasp the difference between ballots and envelopes, as is described by Gowri Ramachandran at the Brennan Center for Justice on October 1, 2021in an article titled The Arizona Senate’s contractors fail to understand basic probability and voter data:


“Another of the senate’s contractors, Shiva Ayyadurai, similarly failed to understand (or acknowledge) this notice and cure procedure, when, in a senate hearing he made a rambling presentation that raised suspicion about duplicate envelope images from the 2020 election and at one point erroneously described the duplicate envelope images as ‘two ballots.’ The report was then amplified by elected officials and candidates in Arizona who falsely called them ‘duplicate votes’ and ‘duplicate ballots.’ But there is nothing suspicious about an envelope being processed twice if the first time, the signature can’t be verified. Once the problem has been fixed, the envelope is ready to be rescanned and the ballot inside removed and counted.”


The flying pig for my cartoon was modified from this one at Openclipart.

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