Friday, December 3, 2021

A cartoon with a very dark speech topic - What your last day on earth feels like















The December 1, 2021 Pearls Before Swine comic strip had Zebra visited by a neighbor from the Fraternity of Crocodiles, with the following dialogue:


Larry: Hullo zeeba neighba. Leesten. Crocs want offer you honor of give speech at ‘Association of Predators’ annual meeting.

Zebra: What would you want me to talk about?

Larry: What you last day on earth feel like.

Fred: We need better sales pitch.


Pearls Before Swine began back on January 7, 2002. A month later parodies of TV nature shows (like Wild Kingdom) began with lions attacking zebras. One had Lions, Hyenas, and Vultures, others had Cheetahs, Butter, a Going-Away Party and even a Zebra with a Walkman.


On April 8, 2007 the Crocs cheered while Zebra was watching a nature documentary. On September 15, 2021 the crocs had a ‘good book’ titled Die Zeeba Die.


My cartoon of a crocodile was adapted from a Pearson Scott Foresman image at Wikimedia Commons.


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