Friday, December 10, 2021

Not starting at the bottom














There is an article by Dr. John Livingston at the Gem State Patriot News on December 4, 2021 titled WINNING “Divided WE Fall (Fail) – United We STAND” that, among other things, criticizes Governor Brad Little for his background. (His grandfather was known as the Idaho Sheep King).   


In seventh sentence of his second paragraph he claims that:


“….In any field of endeavor those who rise without starting at the bottom invariably have a sense of entitlement regarding their position, and the relationships that are so critical to developing leadership skills and savvy are never learned.”


But Livingston idolizes Donald J. Trump, who came from a wealthly family. An article by Kevin Breuninger at CNBC on October 2, 2018 is titled Trump claimed he turned a ‘small’ $1 million loan from his father into an empire. The New York Times say it was more like $60.7 million in loans.


The article ends with:


“What about You? MIG ‘Fight Like Hell’ ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ ”


MIG is a hilarious typo. He meant to say MIGA, an acronym for Make Idaho Great Again, which was most of the title of an earlier article on November 20, 2019 - Let’s Make Idaho Great Again.

Instead MIG is the acronym for the Russian Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau, best known for their Korean War jet fighter – the MIG-15.  


And “Let’s Go Brandon” just is a proxy slogan for the obscene “F#ck Joe Biden.”


Perhaps Dr. Livingston also should look in the mirror and reflect about his own background. An earlier article of his in the Gem State Patriot News on October 19, 2019 titled Diversity, Discrimination, and Discernment says he played high school football at Upper Arlington, which is a wealthy suburb of Columbus, Ohio.   


The image was adapted from this one at Wikimedia Commons.


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