Saturday, January 29, 2022

A zombie statistic that 77% of the general population fears public speaking




















There is an article by Elizabeth Pratt at VeryWellHealth on January 24, 2022 titled What is Glossophobia? The Fear of Public Speaking. Her second sentence says that:


“Public speaking causes feelings of anxiety in roughly 77% of the general population, and it can sometimes hinder a person's day-to-day life. (Ref. 2)


That percentage is nonsense but it keeps returning like a zombie. I blogged about it on October 12, 2020 in a post titled Do 77% of Americans fear public speaking? No! That percentage described stage fright in Swedes who also had social anxiety disorder. I had found that nonsense mentioned in an article at VeryWellMind on April 12, 2020 which since had been updated (with the same error) on July 16, 2021.   


The zombie image was adapted from this one at OpenClipArt.


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