Friday, February 18, 2022

Donald Trump’s Organization got fired by his accountants


















This week the Trump Organization’s accountants, Mazars fired them (and destroyed their credibility). An article by Ilya Marritz at NPR on February 14, 2022 titled Trump’s longtime accountant says a decade of financial statements are unreliable reported their parting shot. A letter to Alan Garten, Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization began:


“Re: Statement of Financial Condition for Donald J. Trump – 2011-2020


We write to advise that the Statements of Financial Condition for Donald J. Trump for the years ending June 30, 2011 – June 30, 2020 should no longer be relied upon and you should inform any recipients thereof who are currently relying upon one or more of those documents that those documents should not be relied upon.”


As shown above, the plain English translation is that Trump’s financials really are just fairy tales. There are two good articles by Even Hurst about this situation on February 16 at the satirical Wonkette website, one titled Trump’s accounting firm breaks up with him just in time for Valentine’s Day and another titled Trump demands end to racist witch hunts against him and the accountants he loves.


The image was adapted from page 258 in the 1913 edition of Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales found at the Internet Archive.


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