Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Joseph Gobbles and the Gazpacho Police



















If you don’t proofread what you write, you can look very foolish – particularly when you bring up Nazis. Here in Boise the last sentence in the first paragraph of an article by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer at the Gem State Patriot News on January 30, 2022 titled Will America Ever be Great Again? meant to bring up Joseph Goebbels but instead claimed:


“We have not seen propaganda like this since Joseph Gobbles in World War II.”


I commented:


“Learn to proofread. Joseph Gobbles is a name for a Thanksgiving turkey.”


Gestapo is an abbreviation for the notorious Gehime Staatpolozei (Secret State Police) of Nazi Germany. But recently U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene instead referred to gazpacho police. Annother article by Rick Rouan at USA Today on February 10, 2022 is titled ‘Gazpacho police’: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s word soup launches social media frenzy.  


The cartoon turkey was modified from an image at Wikimedia Commons.


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