Saturday, February 5, 2022

Using a leg gesture to point out a direction













Gestures commonly use hands or arms rather than feet or legs. But, as shown above in a cartoon from page 11 of Puck magazine back on October 13, 1880 is also is possible to point out a direction using a leg.










By the usual convention with time going from left to right, it also is possible to use a leg to point forward or back (as shown above).




















An article on page 5 in the July 9, 1892 issue of Scientific American described a very elaborate system of gestures for showing numbers from 1 to 9999 using both arms and legs. It was called Homogenetic Enumeration. That topic was discussed again in Scientific American by Marty Karmelek on May 31, 2011 in an article titled Homogenetic Enumeration: A Numerical System Guaranteed to Move You.


My image was modified from the da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man at Wikimedia Commons.  


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