Thursday, March 10, 2022

A false narrative from The Gem State Patriot News about a big tech ‘invasion’



















When I saw an article by Bob “Nuge” Neugebauer in the Gem State Patriot News on February 27, 2022 titled Big Tech Invades the Treasure Valley While KTVB Attacks the IFF, I shook my head no. It was preceded by another on February 20, 2022 titled Liberal Trojan Horses set to Turn Idaho Blue which had whined about (and tried to demonize) Facebook and Amazon coming here recently. In the February 27, 2022 article Bob began by claiming:

“While the whole world has turned their eyes and ears to the Ukraine our president continues to talk about sanctions as the Russians push towards the capital. Unfortunately there is little that we can do but watch the carnage as long as Bungling Biden is president.

Right now Idahoans need to be more concerned about the big Tech invasion of our state which is taking place without a single shot being fired. We have been under siege for years by corrupt politicians who have united with big business to turn our state a bright blue and change our culture. What most Idahoans don’t understand is that much of this change begins in the workplace especially the large corporations like the major hospitals and companies like Micron.

The question of the day is why two of the largest liberal thinking technology companies have decided to locate in the heart of the Treasure Valley? It’s simple, this is the largest population center in Idaho and a great place to grab a liberal foot hold and promote their agenda….


We are sorry to say that it is no longer the company that was spawned by the likes of Steve Appleton. It has become one of the largest technology companies in the world and it ranks #19 in the Fortune 500. Its management has been moving left of center for a number of years. The workforce at Micron has decreased gradually from a high of 11,000 to the current 6,000 in the Boise facility. One has to think was this a purging of conservative employees as it appears those who are still employed have become a controlled group of yes workers.”


But the tech ‘invasion’ of Idaho didn’t begin with Facebook and Amazon, or even the local Micron Technology founded on October 5, 1978. In August 1975 Hewlett Packard (HP) began construction of its 154,000 square foot Boise plant. By March 1976 HP had 400 employees at the Boise Division, and by late 1991 there were more than 4000. (Micron reached 5,000 workers in 1994). A lot of excellent printer technology came from HP Boise, and their presence here has been positive.


The 200-acre HP campus in Boise is on the south side of Chinden Boulevard between Cloverdale Road and Five Mile Road. Unless you are an ARF promoting a false narrative, it would be impossible to miss. (For aerial views, look at an article at BoiseDev on March 16, 2017 titled News release: State of Idaho to buy H-P campus).


The image was modified from one found on page 109 in the January 30, 1924 issue of Punch magazine found at the Internet Archive.  


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