Saturday, March 19, 2022

A worthwhile blog from the National Speakers Association’s magazine



















The U.S. National Speakers Association (NSA) publishes a bimonthly Speaker magazine that you can read and download here. The latest issue is for March/April 2022.


There also is a worthwhile, weekly blog you can read at this web page. For example, on January 19, 2022 there is a post titled 10 Common public speaking mistakes and how to avoid them at all costs. Those are:


Starting with facts & figures

Forgetting to rehearse

Using too many filler words

Not knowing your audience

Overusing visual aids

Sharing too much information

Not including your audience

Hiding behind a podium

Speaking too fast or not speaking loudly enough

No CTA [call to action]


The cartoon was modified from this one at Wikimedia Commons.


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