Friday, April 15, 2022

Donald J. Trump’s most laughable recent claim




















In a recent speech former president Trump made a preposterous claim. At the New York Post on April 12, 2022 there is an article by Nila Shakhnazarova titled Donald Trump says he is the ‘most honest human being’ ever created. She quoted him as proclaiming:


“…I think I’m the most honest human being, perhaps, that God has ever created”


At CNN Politics on April 11, 2022 there is another article by Chris Cilliza titled Donald Trump’s most ridiculous claim - maybe ever. He linked to still another article in the Washington Post on January 24, 2021 titled Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years. That’s an average of 20.94 claims a day. On September 1, 2020 I had blogged about how Donald J. Trump lies almost once each hour of the day. In that post I pointed out that most people only lie once or twice a day. Trump lied over ten times more!


The cartoon of a laughing man was adapted from one in the upper right corner of page 31 in a 1912 book by Campbell J. Cory, The Cartoonist’s Art, at the Internet Archive.     


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