Sunday, June 26, 2022

An election is like a fruitcake when it is stollen




















 On June 19, 2022 Donald J. Trump posted the following message




“The highly partisan Unselects are trying to create a FAKE narrative, for whatever reason but only with evil intention, that ‘He (me) knew he lost the election.’ This is completely false. I felt the Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, have from the very beginning, & have only gotten stronger in that belief with time & large amounts of additional evidence and proof. In my mind I have, & HAVE HAD, NO QUESTION, and MANY people would be willing to so attest, but the Unselects don’t want to hear them…..”


But he added an extra ‘l’ to stolen. That transformed a verb (past participle of steal) into a noun (a sweet yeast bread of German origin containing fruit and nuts). A minute of proofreading would have caught that silly typo. He also switched from using ‘&’ to ‘and’ at the end of his next to last sentence. And he uses UNNECESSARY CAPITALIZATION so often it is pathetic.


Why fruitcake? He keeps trying to explain his January 6 attempted coup. On June 13, 2022 there is an article by Brett Samuels at The Hill titled Trump releases 12-page response to Jan. 6 hearing. Another by Chris Cillizza at CNN politics on June 14, 2022 is titled The 22 wildest lines from Donald Trump’s 12(!)-page statement on the January 6 committee. 


The image of a stollen is cropped from Wikimedia Commons.


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