Saturday, July 23, 2022

Could you trim a presentation to less than half of its previous length?

















In the Presentation Mastery path, Level 5 of that Toastmasters education program has a required project titled Prepare to Speak Professionally that calls for giving an 18-to-22 minute keynote speech. Ken Jenkins gave his masterful keynote speech titled Why Don’t You Act My Age? at the July 20 meeting of the Pioneer Toastmasters club in Boise.


He derived it from a presentation titled Reconnecting Across the Years: Generational Collaboration in Toastmasters which he had given for a one-hour breakout session in May 2021 at the District 15 Toastmasters Conference. You can view a 52-minute YouTube video of that presentation, and download a 26-page pdf of his PowerPoint presentation. He also has a single page handout titled The Generations in Toastmasters – A Brief Overview, which shows the seven generations, the ranges for their birth years, and their current ages.   


For his July 20 speech, he skipped the PowerPoint, and instead just gave us a half-page handout titled Generations and Their Ages in 2022 listing only their current ages. Ken cut out many details, and successfully fit his material into the allotted time.  




















As shown above, the definitions Ken used for those generations differ from those you can find at Wikipedia for the Greatest (G.I.), Silent, Baby Boomer, Generation X, (Generation Y) Millennials, and Generation Z.


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