Sunday, July 31, 2022

Self-congratulatory stories from a leader


















The dialogue in today’s Dilbert comic strip consists mostly of a monologue about stories from Dave:


Dave: I can’t get enough of your stories. Especially the ones I’ve already heard. Your terrific stories need to be repeated so their wisdom sinks in. If you think about it, that’s no different than how we learn anything else. I love the fact that all of your stories have the same point. You’re awesome. And that’s a lesson that has helped me grow as a person and as a professional. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for that gift.


Pointy-haired Boss: Is he serious? I can’t tell.


Dilbert: No one knows.


An article by Kenneth T. Walsh at U.S. News on October 20, 2017 titled The Smartest Person in the Room told us about how Donald Trump likes to distort the record to present himself as the best.


A playing card image was derived from one at Openclipart.


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