Wednesday, August 10, 2022

One way to classify and deal with your critics


















I saw an article by Bill Abbate at Newsbreak on August 6, 2022 titled Dealing with critics. He illustrated it with his version of a 2x2 table originated by Ann Freidman in an undated article about online criticism on April 29, 2013 as The Disapproval Matrix. My PowerPoint color version is shown above. The vertical axis has IRRATIONAL and RATIONAL, the horizontal axis has people who DON’T KNOW YOU and KNOW YOU. (Freidman’s original has KNOW YOU at the left, and DON’T KNOW YOU at the right. Another article by Forrest Wickman at Slate on April 30, 2013 is titled “The Disapproval Matrix,” a handy chart for understanding your haters).


Don’t waste time paying much attention to your irrational critics – HATERS and FRENEMIES. Pay some attention to your rational CRITCS, and a lot of attention to to your LOVERS.


Back on December 20, 2016 I blogged about Bursting the overblown claim that 95% of Americans fear public speaking at some level. I got a HATER comment falsely accusing me of just writing ‘word salad’ (nonsense).


The University of Arkansas has a free ebook by Lynn Meade titled Advanced Public Speaking. Chapter 7 in it is all about Giving and receiving feedback: It is harder than you think.


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