Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Fairy tales from the Gem State Patriot News about Rachel Carson and her book Silent Spring




















At the Gem State Patriot News on October 2, 2022 there is an article by Dr. John Livingston titled Climate Change and Government Credibility. His third paragraph begins:


“The environmental movement in our country arguably had its beginnings with the publishing of SILENT RAIN by Rachel Carson. At the time Ms. Carson did her research at the University of Michigan she had an undergraduate journalism degree. She was not a scientist or an expert.”


But all three sentences just are fairy tales, and they can easily be debunked by briefly looking on the web at both the Wikipedia page for Rachel Carson, and her web site The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson (see pages for Rachel Carson’s Biography and Timeline).


First, that very well-known 1962 book’s title is Silent Spring, not SILENT RAIN.


Second, Rachel Louise Carson never had a journalism degree or did research at the University of Michigan. In 1929 she had a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the Pennsylvania College for Women, and in 1932 a Masters in Zoology from Johns Hopkins University.


Third, Rachel worked as a government scientist (a biologist) for fifteen years. In 1936 she was employed as a Junior Aquatic Biologist by the Bureau of Fisheries. In 1939 she became an Assistant Aquatic Biologist. In 1941 she became a Staff Aquatic Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In 1943 she became an Associate Aquatic Biologist, and in 1944 an Aquatic Biologist, and then an Information Specialist. In 1951 she resigned from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


As far as I can tell, Dr. Livingston made up all three sentences, so he has zero credibility. Presumably they are examples of false memory.


The fairy tale image of Little Red Riding Hood came from Wikimedia Commons.


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