Friday, November 11, 2022

Top 20 things Americans say they should experience before turning 40











In the New York Post on November 7, 2022 there is an article titled Top 20 things you should experience before turning 40: poll. A similar article by Elizabeth Elizalde appeared earlier at SWNSdigital on November 4, 2022 with a less informative title that 4 in 5 Americans believe it’s important to have healthy eyes to experience the best moments in life. It reported results from a survey of 2,000 adults done for VSP Vision Care between September 30 and October 4, 2022. Results are shown above via a bar chart. The Top Ten things Americans say they should experience before turning 40 are:


1]    Have a stable job 29%

2]    Own a car 28%

3]    A 3 way tie: Go to the doctor more often to care for your health, Own a home, Travel with a person you love 26%

4]    Start a family 25%

5]    Learn to cook/bake well 23%

6]    Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital or senior citizen’s home 22%

7]    Donate to charity 21%

8]    A tie: Conquer a fear (e.g. public speaking) and Start a hobby 20%

9]    Own a business 19%

10]  See the New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square in person 18%


An item which tied for eighth caught my attention: Conquer a fear (e.g. public speaking). But I didn’t do that before turning forty. Later on I did by joining a Toastmasters club here in Boise.


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