Wednesday, December 28, 2022

A questionable 2x2 grid from Seth Godin












One of the most common business graphics is a 2x2 chart, grid, matrix, or table. First, we draw and label horizontal and vertical axes. Then we identify the four quadrants. (The desired one typically is shown at the upper right). On July 3, 2020 I blogged about Is that 2x2 graphic a table, a chart, or a matrix? Should the axis go from left to right or right to left? And on July 5, 2020 I blogged about Is that 2x2 graphic a chart or a matrix? How many quadrants are there?


Seth Godin is so well known his blog is titled with just his first name. At SETH’S BLOG on December 27, 2022 there is a post titled Scale and the small business (freelancer grid). The title needs revision – grid belongs outside the parentheses. Seth’s grid is similar to the one shown above. The vertical axis has Large Scale up, and Small down - but both should say Scale. The  horizontal axis confusingly has Seeking Unique Qualities at left and Undifferentiated Commodities at right.















I redrew the grid as shown above, and added green and red titles to identify the desired and undesired quadrants.


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